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Gabbioneta Pumps®
VBN VBN-DS VS1/VS6 type API 610 Centrifugal Pump
The Gabbioneta VBN centrifugal pump series are designed to minimize axial thrust in low NPSH applications. The VBN and VBN-DS Gabbioneta Pumps® are vertical multistage, heavy-duty process pumps, available in double casing or wet pit configuration.
Available in a wide range of sizes, number of stages, and large eye suction or double suction first stage impeller, allows this pump to meet low NPSH requirements.
Available in a wide range of sizes, number of stages, and large eye suction or double suction first stage impeller, allows this pump to meet low NPSH requirements.
Capacity up to 1,800 m3/h (8,000 gpm)
Head up to 2,000 m (6,500 ft.)
Operating temperature from -150ºC (-240 F) to 400ºC (750ºF)
Standard design pressure 40 bar (580 psig), special executions up to 210 bar (3,000 psig)
Rotational speed up to 3,600 RPM
API 610 latest edition
All API 610 class materials.
Special materials upon request.